Teresa Scassa - Blog

On October 26, 2023, I appeared as a witness before the INDU Committee of the House of Commons which is holding hearings on Bill C-27. Although I would have preferred to address the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act, it was clear that the Committee was prioritizing study of the Consumer Protection and Privacy Act in part because the Minister of Industry had yet to produce the text of amendments to the AI and Data Act…

The following is a short excerpt from a new paper which looks at the public sector use of private sector personal data (Teresa Scassa, “Public Sector Use of Private Sector Personal Data: Towards Best Practices”, forthcoming in (2024) 47:2 Dalhousie Law Journal ) The full pre-print version of the paper is available here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4538632 Governments seeking to make data-driven decisions require the data to do so. Although they may already hold large stores of administrative…

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