Teresa Scassa - Blog

Wednesday, 03 July 2013 09:48

Band’s Logo Attracts Provincial Ire

Written by Teresa Scassa
The Alberta rock band named Jr. Gone Wild has been in the news after Alberta’s Department of Culture ordered it to stop using a modified version of the province’s official emblem as part of the band’s logo. A photo of the band’s logo can be viewed along with the Edmonton Journal article on this issue. A law titled the Emblems of Alberta Act makes it an offence to use “for commercial or business purposes” the…

If there is any need for further evidence that the official marks provision in s. 9(1)(n)(iii) of the Trade-marks Act is in dire need of reform, then it can be found in the advertisement by Canada Post in 2005 of official marks in the words POSTAL CODE and CODE POSTAL. Official marks are a special species of trademark available only to “public authorities.” In theory, a public authority is an entity that is under the…

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