Teresa Scassa - Blog

The following is a short excerpt from a new paper which looks at the public sector use of private sector personal data (Teresa Scassa, “Public Sector Use of Private Sector Personal Data: Towards Best Practices”, forthcoming in (2024) 47:2 Dalhousie Law Journal ) The full pre-print version of the paper is available here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4538632 Governments seeking to make data-driven decisions require the data to do so. Although they may already hold large stores of administrative…

A recent decision of the Federal Court of Canada ends (subject to any appeal) the federal Privacy Commissioner’s attempt to obtain an order against Facebook in relation to personal information practices linked to the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Following a joint investigation with British Columbia’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, the Commissioners had issued a Report of Findings in 2019. The Report concluded that Facebook had breached Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and…

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