Teresa Scassa - Blog

Wednesday, 19 June 2013 12:48

Google Glass and the Privacy Gap

Written by Teresa Scassa
Canada’s Privacy Commissioner, Jennifer Stoddart, along a number of her international counterparts and the commissioners of B.C., Quebec and Alberta have issued a joint letter written to the CEO of Google raising concerns about privacy in relation to Google Glass. This product, still at the beta stage, consists of a kind of interactive mobile computer worn as eyeglasses. Among other things, the glasses have the capacity to record audio and video data, and will be…

The US government is in damage control mode after it was leaked to the press this week that it had established a massive surveillance program under which it obtained comprehensive communications data from telecommunications and technology companies. Privacy advocates have decried this secret and massive data mining exercise. Canadians should not sit back complacently to watch this unfolding spectacle south of the border. It was only last year that our own government tried to introduce…

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