Teresa Scassa - Blog

Monday, 18 July 2022 06:39

Bill C-27 and the erasable right of erasure

Written by Teresa Scassa
Bill C-27, which will amend Canada’s private sector data protection law, contains a right of erasure. In its basic form, this right allows individuals to ask an organization to dispose of the personal information it holds about them. It is sometimes referred to as the right to be forgotten, although the right to be forgotten has different dimensions that are not addressed in Bill C-27. Bill C-27’s predecessor, Bill C-11, had proposed a right of…

[Note: This is my third in a series of posts on the new Bill C-27 which will reform private sector data protection law in Canada and which will add a new Artificial Intelligence and Data Act. The previous two posts addressed consent and de-identification/anonymization.] In 2018 a furore erupted over media reports that Statistics Canada (StatCan) sought to collect the financial data of a half a million Canadians from Canadian banks to generate statistical data.…

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