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Teresa Scassa

Teresa Scassa

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked considerable debate and discussion about the role of data in managing the crisis. Much of the discussion has centred around personal data, and in these discussions the balance between privacy rights and the broader public interest is often a focus of debate. Invoking the general ratcheting up of surveillance after 9-11, privacy advocates warn of the potential for privacy invasive emergency measures to further undermine individual privacy even after the crisis is over.

This post will focus on the potential for government use of data in the hands of private sector companies. There are already numerous examples of where this has taken place or where it is proposed. The nature and intensity of the privacy issues raised by these uses depends very much on context. For the purposes of this discussion, I have identified three categories of proposed uses of private sector data by the public sector. (Note: My colleague Michael Geist has also written about 3 categories of data – his are slightly different).

The first category involves the use of private sector data to mine it for knowledge or insights. For example, researchers and public health agencies have already experimented with using social media data to detect the presence or spread of disease. Some of this research is carried out on publicly accessible social media data and the identity of specific individuals is not necessary to the research, although geolocation generally is. Many private sector companies sit on a wealth of data that reveals the location and movements of individuals, and this could provide a rich source of data when combined with public health data. Although much could be done with aggregate and deidentified data in this context, privacy is still an issue. One concern is the potential for re-identification. Yet the full nature and scope of concerns could be highly case-specific and would depend upon what data is used, in what form, and with what other data it is combined.

Government might, or might not be, the lead actor when it comes to the use of private sector data in this way. Private sector companies could produce analytics based on their own stores of data. They might do so for a variety of reasons, including experimentation with analytics or AI, a desire to contribute to solutions, or to provide analytics services to public and private sector actors. There is also the potential for public-private collaborations around data.

Private sector companies acting on their own would most likely publish only aggregate or deidentified data, possibly in the form of visualizations. If the published information is not personal information, this type of dissemination is possible, although these companies would need to be attentive to reidentification risks.

In cases where personal data is shared with the public sector, there might be other legal options. The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) contains a research exception that allows organizations to disclose information without consent “for statistical, or scholarly study or research, purposes that cannot be achieved without disclosing the information, [and] it is impracticable to obtain consent”. Such disclosure under s. 7(3)(f) requires that the organization inform the Commissioner in advance of any such disclosure, presumably to allow the Commissioner to weigh in on the legitimacy of what is proposed. The passage of a specific law, most likely on an emergency basis, could also enable disclosure of personal information without consent. Such an option would be most likely to be pursued where the government seeks to compel private sector companies to disclose information to them. Ideally, any such law would set clear parameters on the use and disposal of such data, and could put strict time limits on data sharing to coincide with the state of emergency. A specific law could also provide for oversight and accountability.

The second category is where information is sought by governments in order to specifically identify and track individuals in order to enable authorities to take certain actions with respect to those individuals. An example is where cell phone location data of individuals who have been diagnosed with the disease is sought by government officials so that they can retrospectively track their movements to identify where infected persons have been and with whom they have had contact (contact-tracing).This might be done in order to inform the public of places and times where infected persons have been (without revealing the identity of the infected person) or it might be done to send messages directly to people who were in the vicinity of the infected person to notify them of their own possible infection. In such cases, authorities access and make use of the data of the infected person as well as the data of persons in proximity to them. Such data could also be used to track movements of infected persons in order to see if they are complying with quarantine requirements. For example, public authorities could combine data from border crossings post-spring break with cell phone data to see if those individuals are complying with directives to self-quarantine for 14 days.

The use of private sector data in this way could be problematic under existing Canadian privacy law. Telcos are subject to PIPEDA, which does not contain an exception to the requirement for consent that would be an easy fit in these circumstances. However, PIPEDA does permit disclosure without consent where it is ‘required by law’. A special law, specific to the crisis, could be enacted to facilitate this sort of data sharing. Any such law should also contain its own checks and balances to ensure that data collection and use is appropriate and proportional.

Israel provides an example of a country that enacted regulations to allow the use of cell phone data to track individuals diagnosed with COVID-19. A podcast on this issue by Michael Geist featuring an interview with Israeli law professor Michael Birnhack exposes some of the challenges with this sort of measure. In a decision issued shortly after the recording of the podcast, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the regulations failed to meet the appropriate balance between privacy and the demands of the public health crisis. The case makes it clear that it is necessary to find an appropriate balance between what is needed to address a crisis and what best ensures respect for privacy and civil liberties. It is not an all or nothing proposition – privacy or public health. It is a question of balance, transparency, accountability and proportionality.

It is interesting to note that in this context, at least one country has asked individuals to voluntarily share their location and contact information. Singapore has developed an app called TraceTogether that uses Bluetooth signals to identify the phones of other app users that are within two metres of each user. The design of the app includes privacy protective measures. Sharing personal data with appropriate consent is easily permitted under public and private sector laws so long as appropriate safeguards are in place.

A third category of use of personal information involves the public sharing of information about the movements of individuals known to be infected with the virus. Ostensibly this is in order to give people information they may need to protect themselves from unwanted exposure. South Korea offers an example of such measures – it has provided highly detailed information about the location and movements of infected persons; the detail provide could lead to identification. Given the fact in Canada at least, testing has been limited due to insufficient resources, a decision to release detailed information about those who test positive could serve to stigmatize those persons while giving others a false sense of security. Some have raised concerns that such measures would also discourage individuals from coming forward to be tested or to seek treatment out of concerns over stigmatization. In Canada, the disclosure of specific personal health information of individuals – or information that could lead to their identification – is an extreme measure that breaches basic personal health information protection requirements. It is hard to see on what basis the public release of this type of information could be at all proportionate.

A common theme in all of the debates and discussions around data and privacy in the current context is that exceptional circumstances call for exceptional measures. The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred national and regional governments to declare states of emergency. These governments have imposed a broad range of limitations on citizen activities in a bid to stop the spread of the virus. The crisis is real, the costs to human life, health and to the economy are potentially devastating. Sadly, it is also the case that while many do their best to comply with restrictions, others flaunt them to greater or lesser extents, undermining the safety of everyone. In this context, it is not surprising that more drastic, less voluntary measures are contemplated, and that some of these will have important implications for privacy and civil liberties. Privacy and civil liberties, however, are crucially important values and should not be casual victims of pandemic panic. A careful balancing of interests can be reflected not just in the measures involving the collection and use of data, but also in issues of oversight, transparency, accountability, and, perhaps most importantly, in limits on the duration of collection and use.

Clearview AI and its controversial facial recognition technology have been making headlines for weeks now. In Canada, the company is under joint investigation by federal and provincial privacy commissioners. The RCMP is being investigated by the federal Privacy Commissioner after having admitted to using Clearview AI. The Ontario privacy commissioner has expressed serious concerns about reports of Ontario police services adopting the technology. In the meantime, the company is dealing with a reported data breach in which hackers accessed its entire client list.

Clearview AI offers facial recognition technology to ‘law enforcement agencies.’ The term is not defined on their site, and at least one newspaper report suggests that it is defined broadly, with private security (for example university campus police) able to obtain access. Clearview AI scrapes images from publicly accessible websites across the internet and compiles them in a massive database. When a client provides them with an image of a person, they use facial recognition algorithms to match the individual in the image with images in its database. Images in the database are linked to their sources which contain other identifying information (for example, they might link to a Facebook profile page). The use of the service is touted as speeding up all manner of investigations by facilitating the identification of either perpetrators or victims of crimes.

This post addresses a number of different issues raised by the Clearview AI controversy, framed around the two different sets of privacy investigations. The post concludes with additional comments about transparency and accountability.

1. Clearview AI & PIPEDA

Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) applies to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by private sector organizations engaged in commercial activities. Although Clearview AI is a U.S. company, PIPEDA will still apply if there is a sufficient nexus to Canada. In this case, the service clearly captures data about Canadians, and the facial recognition services are marketed to Canadian law enforcement agencies. This should be enough of a connection.

The federal Privacy Commissioner is joined in his investigation by the Commissioners of Quebec, B.C. and Alberta. Each of these provinces has its own private sector data protection laws that apply to organizations that collect, use and disclose personal information within the borders of their respective province. The joint investigation signals the positive level of collaboration and co-operation that exists between privacy commissioners in Canada. However, as I explain in an earlier post, the relevant laws are structured so that only one statute applies to a particular set of facts. This joint investigation may raise important jurisdictional questions similar to those raised in the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica joint investigation and that were not satisfactorily resolved in that case. It is a minor issue, but nonetheless one that is relevant and interesting from a privacy governance perspective.

The federal Commissioner’s investigation will focus on whether Clearview AI complied with PIPEDA when it collected, used and disclosed the personal information which populates its massive database. Clearview AI’s position on the legality of its actions is clearly based on U.S. law. It states on its website that: “Clearview searches the open web. Clearview does not and cannot search any private or protected info, including in your private social media accounts.” In the U.S., there is much less in the way of privacy protection for information in ‘public’ space. In Canada however, the law is different. Although there is an exception in PIPEDA (and in comparable provincial private sector laws) to the requirement of consent for the collection, use or disclosure of “publicly available information”, this exception is cast in narrow terms. It is certainly not broad enough to encompass information shared by individuals through social media. Interestingly, in hearings into PIPEDA reform, the House of Commons ETHI Committee at one point seemed swayed by industry arguments that PIPEDA should be amended to include websites and social media within the exception for “publicly available personal information”. In an earlier post, I argued that this was a dangerous direction in which to head, and the Clearview AI controversy seems to confirm this. Sharing photographs online for the purposes of social interaction should not be taken as consent to use those images in commercial facial recognition technologies. What is more, the law should not be amended to deem it to be so.

To the extent, then, that the database contains personal information of Canadians that was collected without their knowledge or consent, the conclusion will likely be that there has been a breach of PIPEDA. The further use and disclosure of personal information without consent will also amount to a breach. An appropriate remedy would include ordering Clearview AI to remove all personal information of Canadians that was collected without consent from its database. Unfortunately, the federal Commissioner does not have order-making powers. If the investigation finds a breach of PIPEDA, it will still be necessary to go to Federal Court to ask that court to hold its own hearing, reach its own conclusions, and make an order. This is what is currently taking place in relation the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica investigation, and it makes somewhat of a mockery of our privacy laws. Stronger enforcement powers are on the agenda for legislative reform of PIPEDA, and it is to be hoped that something will be done about this before too long.


2. The Privacy Act investigation

The federal Privacy Commissioner has also launched an investigation into the RCMP’s now admitted use of Clearview AI technology. The results of this investigation should be interesting.

The federal Privacy Act was drafted for an era in which government institution generally collected the information they needed and used from individuals. Governments, in providing all manner of services, would compile significant amounts of data, and public sector privacy laws set the rules for governance of this data. These laws were not written for our emerging context in which government institutions increasingly rely on data analytics and data-fueled AI services provided by the private sector. In the Clearview AI situation, it is not the RCMP that has collected a massive database of images for facial recognition. Nor has the RCMP contracted with a private sector company to build this service for it. Instead, it is using Clearview AI’s services to make presumably ad hoc inquiries, seeking identity information in specific instances. It is not clear whether or how the federal Privacy Act will apply in this context. If the focus is on the RCMP’s ‘collection’ and ‘use’ of personal information, it is arguable that this is confined to the details of each separate query, and not to the use of facial recognition on a large scale. The Privacy Act might simply not be up to addressing how government institutions should interact with these data-fuelled private sector services.

The Privacy Act is, in fact, out of date and clearly acknowledged to be so. The Department of Justice has been working on reforms and has attempted some initial consultation. But the Privacy Act has not received the same level of public and media attention as has PIPEDA. And while we might see reform of PIPEDA in the not too distant future, reform of the Privacy Act may not make it onto the legislative agenda of a minority government. If this is the case, it will leave us with another big governance gap for the digital age.

If the Privacy Act is not to be reformed any time soon, it will be very interesting to see what the Privacy Commissioner’s investigation reveals. The interpretation of section 6(2) of the Privacy Act could be of particular importance. It provides that: “A government institution shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal information that is used for an administrative purpose by the institution is as accurate, up-to-date and complete as possible.” In 2018 the Supreme Court of Canada issued a rather interesting decision in Ewert v. Canada, which I wrote about here. The case involved a Métis man’s challenge to the use of actuarial risk-assessment tests by Correctional Services Canada to make decisions related to his incarceration. He argued that the tests were “developed and tested on predominantly non-Indigenous populations and that there was no research confirming that they were valid when applied to Indigenous persons.” (at para 12). The Corrections and Conditional Release Act contained language very similar to s. 6(2) of the Privacy Act. The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that this language placed an onus on the CSC to ensure that all of the data it relied upon in its decision-making about inmates met that standard – including the data generated from the use of the assessment tools. This ruling may have very interesting implications not just for the investigation into the RCMP’s use of Clearview’s technology, but also for public sector use of private sector data-fueled analytics and AI where those tools are based upon personal data. The issue is whether, in this case, the RCMP is responsible for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data generated by a private sector AI system on which they rely.

One final note on the use of Clearview AI’s services by the RCMP – and by other police services in Canada. A look at Clearview AI’s website reveals its own defensiveness about its technologies, which it describes as helping “to identify child molesters, murderers, suspected terrorists, and other dangerous people quickly, accurately, and reliably to keep our families and communities safe.” Police service representatives have also responded defensively to media inquiries, and their admissions of use come with very few details. If nothing else, this situation highlights the crucial importance of transparency, oversight and accountability in relation to these technologies that have privacy and human rights implications. Transparency can help to identify and examine concerns, and to ensure that the technologies are accurate, reliable and free from bias. Policies need to be put in place to reflect clear decisions about what crimes or circumstances justify the use of these technologies (and which ones do not). Policies should specify who is authorized to make the decision to use this technology and according to what criteria. There should be record-keeping and an audit trail. Keep in mind that technologies of this kind, if unsupervised, can be used to identify, stalk or harass strangers. It is not hard to imagine someone use this technology to identify a person seen with an ex-spouse, or even to identify an attractive woman seen at a bar. They can also be used to identify peaceful protestors. The potential for misuse is enormous. Transparency, oversight and accountability are essential if these technologies are to be used responsibly. The sheepish and vague admissions of use of Clearview AI technology by Canadian police services is a stark reminder that there is much governance work to be done around such technologies in Canada even beyond privacy law issues.

A recent story in iPolitics states that both the Liberals and the Conservatives support strengthening data protection laws in Canada, although it also suggests they may differ as to the best way to do so.

The Liberals have been talking about strengthening Canada’s data protection laws – both the Privacy Act (public sector) and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) (private sector) since well before the last election, although their emphasis has been on PIPEDA. The mandate letters of both the Ministers of Justice and Industry contained directions to reform privacy laws. As I discuss in a recent post, these mandate letters speak of greater powers for the Privacy Commissioner, as well as some form of “appropriate compensation” for data breaches. There are also hints at a GDPR-style right of erasure, a right to withdraw consent to processing of data, and rights of data portability. With Canada facing a new adequacy assessment under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) it is perhaps not surprising to see this inclusion of more EU-style rights.

Weirdly, though, the mandate letters of the Minister of Industry and the Minister of Heritage also contain direction to create the new role of “Data Commissioner” to serve an as-yet unclear mandate. The concept of a Data Commissioner comes almost entirely out of the blue. It seems to be first raised before the ETHI Committee on February 7, 2019 by Dr. Jeffrey Roy of Dalhousie University. He referenced in support of this idea a new Data Commissioner role being created in Australia as well as the existence of a UK Chief Data Officer. How it got from an ETHI Committee transcript to a mandate letter is still a mystery.

If this, in a nutshell, is the Liberal’s plan, it contains both the good, the worrisome, and the bizarre. Strengthening PIPEDA – both in terms of actual rights and enforcement of those rights is a good thing, although the emphasis in the mandate letters seems very oriented towards platforms and other issues that have been in the popular press. This is somewhat worrisome. What is required is a considered and substantive overhaul of the law, not a few colourful and strategically-placed band-aids.

There is no question that the role of the federal Privacy Commissioner is front and centre in this round of reform. There have been widespread calls to increase his authority to permit him to issue fines and to make binding orders. These measures might help address the fundamental weakness of Canada’s private sector data protection laws, but they will require some careful thinking about the drafting of the legislation to ensure that some of the important advisory and dispute resolution roles of the Commissioner’s office are not compromised. And, as we learned with reform of the Access to Information Act, there are order-making powers and then there are order-making powers. It will not be a solution to graft onto the legislation cautious and complicated order-making powers that increase bureaucracy without advancing data protection.

The bizarre comes in the form of the references to a new Data Commissioner. At a time when we clearly have not yet managed to properly empower the Privacy Commissioner, it is disturbing that we might be considering creating a new bureaucracy with apparently overlapping jurisdiction. The mandate letters suggest that the so-called data commissioner would oversee (among other things?) data and platform companies, and would have some sort of data protection role in this regard. His or her role might therefore overlap with both those of the Privacy Commissioner and the Competition Bureau. It is worth noting that the Competition Bureau has already dipped its toe into the waters of data use and abuse. The case for a new bureaucracy is not evident.

The Conservatives seem to be opposed to the creation of the new Data Commissioner, which is a good thing. However, Michelle Rempel Garner was reported by iPolitics as rejecting “setting up pedantic, out of date, ineffectual and bloated government regulatory bodies to enforce data privacy.” It is not clear whether this is simply a rejection of the new Data Commissioner’s office, or also a condemnation of the current regulatory approach to data protection (think baby and bath water). Instead, the Conservatives seem to be proposing creating a new data ownership right for Canadians, placing the economic value of Canadians’ data in their hands.

This is a bad idea for many reasons. In the first place, creating a market model for personal data will do little to protect Canadians. Instead, it will create a context in which there truly is no privacy because the commercial exchange of one’s data for products and services will include a transfer of any data rights. It will also accentuate existing gaps between the wealthy and those less well off. The rich can choose to pay extra for privacy; others will have no choice but to sell their data. Further, the EU, which has seriously studied data ownership rights (and not just for individuals) has walked away from them each time. Data ownership rights are just too complicated. There are too many different interests in data to assign ownership to just one party. If a company uses a proprietary algorithm to profile your preferences for films or books, is this your data which you own, or theirs because they have created it?

What is much more important is the recognition of different interests in data and the strengthening, through law, of the interests of individuals. This is what the GDPR has done. Rights of data portability and erasure, the right to withdraw consent to processing, and many other rights within the GDPR give individuals much stronger interests in their data, along with enforcement tools to protect those interests. Those strengthened interests are now supporting new business models that place consumers at the centre of data decision-making. Open banking (or consumer-directed banking), currently being studied by the Department of Finance in Canada, is an example of this, but there are others as well.

The fix, in the end, is relatively simple. PIPEDA needs to be amended to both strengthen and expand the existing interests of individuals in their personal data. It also needs to be amended to provide for appropriate enforcement, compensation, and fines. Without accountability, the rights will be effectively meaningless. It also needs to happen sooner rather than later.


(With thanks to my RA Émilie-Anne Fleury who was able to find the reference to the Data Commissioner in the ETHI Committee transcripts)

The year 2020 is likely to bring with it significant legal developments in privacy law in Canada. Perhaps the most important of these at the federal level will come in the form of legislative change. In new Mandate letters, the Prime Minister has charged both the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Innovation Science and Industry with obligations to overhaul public and private sector data protection laws. It is widely anticipated that a new bill to reform the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) will be forthcoming this year, and amendments to the Privacy Act are also expected at some point.

The mandate letters are interesting in what they both do and do not reveal about changes to come in these areas. In the first place, both mandate letters contain identical wording around privacy issues. Their respective letters require the two Ministers to work with each other:

. . . to advance Canada’s Digital Charter and enhanced powers for the Privacy Commissioner, in order to establish a new set of online rights, including: data portability; the ability to withdraw, remove and erase basic personal data from a platform; the knowledge of how personal data is being used, including with a national advertising registry and the ability to withdraw consent for the sharing or sale of data; the ability to review and challenge the amount of personal data that a company or government has collected; proactive data security requirements; the ability to be informed when personal data is breached with appropriate compensation; and the ability to be free from online discrimination including bias and harassment. [my emphasis]

A first thing to note is that the letters reference GDPR-style rights in the form of data portability and the right of erasure. If implemented, these should give individuals considerably more control over their personal information and will strengthen individual interests in their own data. It will be interesting to see what form these rights take. A sophisticated version of data portability has been contemplated in the context of open banking, and a recent announcement makes it clear that work on open banking is ongoing (even though open banking is notably absent from the mandate letter of the Minister of Finance). GDPR-style portability is a start, though it is much less potent as a means of empowering individuals.

The right of erasure is oddly framed. The letters describe it as “the ability to withdraw, remove and erase basic personal data from a platform” (my emphasis). It is unclear why the right of erasure would be limited to basic information on platforms. Individuals should have the right to withdraw, remove and erase personal data from all organizations that have collected it, so long as that erasure is not inconsistent with the purposes for which it was provided and for which it is still required.

Enhancements to rights of notice and new rights to challenge the extent of data collection and retention will be interesting reforms. The references to “appropriate compensation” suggest that the government is attuned to well-publicized concerns that the consequences of PIPEDA breaches are an insufficient incentive to improve privacy practices. Yet it is unclear what form such compensation will take and what procedures will be in place for individuals to pursue it. It is not evident, for example, whether compensation will only be available for data security breaches, or whether it will extend to breaches of other PIPEDA obligations. It is unclear whether the right to adequate compensation will also apply to breaches of the Privacy Act. The letters are mum as to whether it will involve statutory damages linked to a private right of action, or some other form of compensation fund. It is interesting to note that although the government has talked about new powers for the Commissioner including the ability to levy significant fines, these do not appear in the mandate letters.

Perhaps the most surprising feature of the Minister of Industry’s mandate letter is the direction to work with the Minister of Canadian Heritage to “create new regulations for large digital companies to better protect people’s personal data and encourage greater competition in the digital marketplace.” This suggests that new privacy obligations that are sector-specific and separate from PIPEDA are contemplated for “large digital companies”, whatever that might mean. These rules are to be overseen by a brand new Data Commissioner. Undoubtedly, this will raise interesting issues regarding duplication of resources, as well as divided jurisdiction and potentially different approaches to privacy depending on whether an organization is large or small, digital or otherwise.

Class action lawsuits for privacy breaches are becoming all the rage in Canada – this is perhaps unsurprising given the growing number of data breaches. However, a proceeding certified and settled in October 2019 stands out as significantly different from the majority of Canadian privacy class action suits.

Most privacy class action lawsuits involve data breaches. Essentially, an entity trusted with the personal information of large numbers of individuals is sued because they lost the data stored on an unsecured device, a rogue employee absconded with the data or repurposed it, a hacker circumvented their security measures, or they simply allowed information to be improperly disclosed due to lax practices or other failings. In each of these scenarios, the common factor is a data breach and improper disclosure of personal information. Haikola v. Personal Insurance Co. is a notably different. In Haikola, the alleged misconduct is the over collection of personal information in breach of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).

The legal issues in this case arose after the representative class plaintiff, Mr. Haikola, was involved in a car accident. In settling his claim, his insurance company asked him to consent to providing them access to his credit score with a credit reporting agency. Mr. Haikola agreed, although he felt that he had had no choice but to do so. He followed up with the insurance company on several occasions, seeking more information about why the information was required, but did not receive a satisfactory explanation. He filed a complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner. The subsequent investigation led to a Report of Findings that concluded, in the words of Justice Glustein, that the insurance company’s “collection and use of credit scores during the auto insurance claim assessment process is not something that a reasonable person would consider to be appropriate.” (at para 13) The company eventually changed its practices.

Under PIPEDA, the Commissioner’s findings are not binding. Once a complainant has received a Report of Findings, they can choose to bring an application under s. 14 of PIPEDA to Federal Court for an order and/or an award of damages. After receiving his Report of Findings, Mr. Haikola took the unusual step of seeking to commence a class action lawsuit under s. 14 of PIPEDA. The defendants argued that the Federal Court had no jurisdiction under s. 14 to certify a class action lawsuit. There is no case law on this issue, and it is not at all clear that class action recourse is contemplated under s. 14.

The parties, in the meantime, negotiated a settlement agreement. However, quite apart from the issue of whether a class action suit could be certified under s. 14 of PIPEDA, it was unclear whether the Federal Court could “make an enforceable order in a PIPEDA class action against a non-governmental entity.” (at para 28) With advice from the Federal Court case management judge, the parties agreed that Mr. Haikola would commence an action in Ontario Superior Court, requesting certification of the class action lawsuit and approval of the settlement. The sole cause of action in the suit initiated in Ontario Superior Court was for breach of contract. The argument was that in the contract between the insurance company and its customers, the insurance company undertook to “”act as required or authorized by law” in the collection, use, and disclosure of the Class Members’ personal information – including information from credit reporting agencies.” (at para 56) This would include meeting its PIPEDA obligations.

The class included persons whose credit history was used as part of a claim settlement process. The insurance company identified 8,525 people who fell into this category. The settlement provided for the paying out of $2,250,000. The court estimated that if every member of the class filed a valid claim, each would receive approximately $150.

In considering whether a class action lawsuit was the preferable procedure, Justice Glustein noted that generally, for this type of privacy complaint, the normal recourse was under PIPEDA. The structure of PIPEDA is such that each affected individual would have to file a complaint; the filing of a complaint and the issuance of a report were both prerequisites to commencing an action in Federal Court. Justice Glustein considered this to be a barrier to access to justice, particularly since most individuals would have claims “of only a very modest value”. (at para 66) He found that “The common law claim proposed is preferable to each Class Member making a privacy complaint, waiting for the resolution of the complaint from the Privacy Commissioner with a formal report, and then commencing a Federal Court action.” (at para 67)

Justice Glustein certified the proceedings and approved the settlement agreement. He was certainly aware of the potential weaknesses of the plaintiff’s case – these were factors he took into account in assessing the reasonableness of the amount of the settlement. Not only were there real issues as to whether a class action lawsuit was a possible recourse for breach of PIPEDA, a proceeding under s. 14 is de novo, meaning the court would not be bound by the findings of the Privacy Commissioner. Further, the Federal Court has been parsimonious with damages under PIPEDA, awarding them only in the most “egregious” circumstances. It is, in fact, rare for a Federal Court judge to award damages unless there has been an improper disclosure of personal information. In this case, the insurance company was found to have collected too much information, but there had been no breach or loss of personal data.

This case is interesting because raises the possibility of class action lawsuits being used for privacy complaints other than data security breaches. This should put fear into the heart of any company whose general practices or policies have led them to collect too much personal information, obtain insufficient consent, or retain data for longer than necessary (to name just a few possible shortcomings). Perhaps the facts in Haikola are exceptional enough to avoid a landslide of litigation. Justice Glustein was clearly sympathetic towards a plaintiff who had doggedly pursued his privacy rights in the face of an insufficiently responsive company, and who had been vindicated by the OPC’s Report of Findings. Justice Glustein noted as well that it was the plaintiff who had sought to initiate the class action lawsuit – he had not been recruited by class counsel.

There is clearly also an element in this decision of frustration and dissatisfaction with the current state of Canadian data protection law. Justice Glustein observed: “If systemic PIPEDA breaches are not rectified by a class procedure, it is not clear what incentive large insurers and others will have to avoid overcollection of information.” (at para 88) Justice Glustein also observed that “While the Privacy Commissioner may encourage or require changes to future practices, it [sic] has very limited powers to enforce compliance through strong regulatory penalties.” (at para 88) This is certainly true, and many (including the Privacy Commissioner) have called for greater enforcement powers to strengthen PIPEDA. This comment, taken with Justice Glustein’s additional comment that the settlement imposes on the Defendants a “meaningful business cost” for the overcollection of personal information, are nothing short of a condemnation of Canada’s private sector data protection regime.

The government has heard such condemnations from the Commissioner himself, as well as from many other critics of PIPEDA. It is now hearing it from the courts. Hopefully it is paying attention. This is not just because PIPEDA obligations need stronger and more diverse enforcement options to provide meaningful privacy protection, but also because class action lawsuits are a blunt tool, ill-designed to serve carefully-tailored public policy objectives in this area.



The Ontario Energy Board (OEB) has just released a decision that should be of interest to those concerned about data governance for data sharing. The decision relates to an application by Ontario’s Smart Metering Entity (SME) for a licence to begin sharing Ontario’s smart metering data with third parties. The SME was established in Ontario as part of the governance structure for the data collected through government-mandated smart metering for all electricity consumers in the province.

Smart meters in Ontario collect fine-grained electrical consumption data. There are clear privacy interests in this consumption data as a person’s patterns of electrical consumption can reveal much about their activities, habits and preferences. In theory, fine-grained, aggregate, deidentified electrical consumption data can be useful for a broad range of purposes, including feeding the ever-hungry data economy. The SME was charged with governing this data resource in a way that would meet the needs of third parties (researchers, governments, and the private sector) to have access to the data while respecting consumer privacy. In 2019, Merlynda Vilain and I published a paper about the SME and its mandate to govern smart metering data in the public interest.

In its October 24, 2019 decision, the OEB considers an application by the SME seeking approval for its plan to provide access to smart metering data. The SME’s plan is built around three categories of data. The first, labelled “public offers”, consists of “highly aggregated products” ”such as monthly, seasonal or quarterly consumption data aggregated by postal district (i.e. the first digit of the postal code).” (OEB Order, p. 8) This data would be provided free of charge, and subject to unspecified terms and conditions.

The second category of data is “standard private offerings”. This consists of “pre-designed extracts based on popular data requests”. The examples provided include “Hourly or daily consumption data aggregated by 6, 5, 4 or 3 digit Postal Code at the municipal level, specifying the Distributor Rate Class and Commodity Rate Class”, as well as different types of visualizations. This category of data would be made available subject to a Data Use Agreement and at “market prices”.

The third category of data is “custom private offerings”, which are data sets customized to meet the demands of specific clients. These data sets would be subject to a Data Use Agreement and sold at “market price”.

Market price, is, of course, different from a fee for cost recovery. The SME in its application indicated that not only would the fees charged cover the costs of producing the data sets, any profits from the sale of smart metering data would be put towards lowering the Smart Metering Charge. In other words, the sale of data could potentially result in lower energy costs. This is an example of a plan to sell aggregate consumer data with a view to benefitting the class as a whole, although the extent of any benefits is difficult to assess without more information about market pricing and about the privacy risks and implications of the shared data. On the privacy issues, the SME maintained that shared data would be de-identified, although it acknowledged that there was some (unspecified) reidentification risk. It argued that factors mitigating against reidentification would include its work with a privacy consultant, compliance with guidance from the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, the use of Data Use Agreements to limit the actions of the party acquiring the data, and the establishment of an Ethics Review Committee.

Those involved in data governance for data sharing will see how the SME’s proposal features some of the key elements and challenges in the data-sharing context. There is a perceived demand for high-value data, an attempt to meet that demand, privacy issues arising because the data is generated by individual activities and consumption, and a need to think about the terms and conditions of sharing, including cost/price. In this case, the data governance entity is a public body that must act under terms set by the regulator (the OEB), and it requires OEB approval of any data sharing plan. In this case, the OEB heard from the SME as well as a number of interveners, including the Building Owners and Managers Association, the Consumers Council of Canada, the Electricity Distributors Association, Ontario Power Generation Inc., and the Vulnerable Energy Consumers Coalition.

The decision of the OEB is interesting for a number of reasons. First, the approach taken is a precautionary one – the OEB sends the SME back to the drawing board over concerns about privacy and about the pricing scheme. In doing so, it appears to have paid some attention to the sometimes heated data governance discussions that have been taking place in Canada.

The OEB began by noting that none of the interveners objected to the first part of the SME plan – to make its “public offerings” category of data available to the public free of charge. In fact, this was the only part of the plan that received OEB approval. The OEB noted that “As these products would comprise highly aggregated data, they do not raise the same concerns about privacy as more tailored products.” It also concluded that the costs associated with preparing and sharing this data were part of the SME’s normal operations.

More problematic were the other categories of data for which sharing was planned. The OEB accepted that customers have a reasonable expectation of privacy “albeit a “significantly attenuated” one” (at p. 13) in their energy consumption data. The Board also noted that for some commercial customers, the consumption data might be confidential commercial information. The OEB observed that in spite of the fact that the plan was to de-identify the data, there remained some reidentification risk. It stated that “in light of the concerns expressed by stakeholders in this proceeding, the SME should proceed cautiously with third party access”. (at 13-14) The OEB considered that consumers needed to be well-informed about the collection and sharing of their data, and that while the SME has attempted to consult on these issues, “a more comprehensive consumer engagement process should take place.” (at 14) The OEB noted that “it is not clear form the evidence that consumers support the notion that consumption data (even if de-identified) should be offered for sale to third parties.” (at 14)

This approach reflects a shift in position on the part of the OEB. Past discussions of data sharing have regarded this data primarily as a public asset that should be put to use in the public interest. In the case of third party data sharing, this public interest was largely in the stimulation of the economy and innovation. What is different in this OEB Order is a much greater recognition of the importance of individual and collective consent. In its directions to the SME, the OEB asks for more detail from the SME’s consultation with consumers, the need to propose “a protocol for receiving and dealing with consumer complaints regarding the release of the data” (at 14), a plan for informing consumers about the release of deidentified information to third parties, and a need to obtain approval “of the basic terms of any Data Use Agreement with third parties.” (at 14).

In addition to these concerns about privacy and consultation, the OEB expressed reservations about the SME’s plans to share data at ‘market prices’. Some of the interveners noted that the SME held a monopoly position with respect to smart metering data, and there was therefore no market price for such data. The OEB called for the SME to develop a marketing plan that “should address pricing to ensure reasonably priced access by commercial and non-commercial users.” (at 14)

This decision is important and interesting for a number of reasons. First, it reflects a cautious, go-slow, precautionary approach to data sharing that might not have existed before Ontarians lost their data innocence in the debates over plans for Sidewalk Toronto. The OEB’s concerns include reidentification risk, proper consultation, accountability, and the terms and conditions for data sharing. The need to adequately and appropriately consult those individuals whose data is to be shared is an important theme in this decision. Although the SME claims to have made efforts to include consumer perspectives, the OEB is not satisfied that these efforts went far enough.

The decision also lands in the middle of the Ontario government’s data strategy consultation (which I have written about here, here and here). The consultation process – which lacks detail and is moving far too quickly – is clearly geared towards increasing data sharing and leveraging data for economic development and innovation, all while maintaining public ‘trust and confidence’. The Ontario government clearly wants to make some quick changes. Yet what this OEB decision reflects is a need to adopt a precautionary approach and to ensure adequate consultation and public awareness. As frameworks, models and templates are developed, things can being to move more quickly – but there is real value in getting things right from the outset.

Ontario is currently engaged in a data strategy consultation process. The stated goals are to create economic opportunities and to improve government services by facilitating greater data sharing and by using more analytics and artificial intelligence. The plan is to do this while maintaining the ‘trust and confidence’ of Ontarians. The consultation process has had an extraordinarily low profile considering what is at stake. That said, it is happening so quickly that it is easy to miss. Even for those paying attention, the consultation is long on boosterism and short on detail. This post outlines some reasons why Ontarians should be concerned.

1. Major transformation without proper debate/consultation

Developing a data strategy is a good idea. Data-driven innovations are dramatically changing our economy and society. There are many ways for government to become more effective and efficient by embracing new technologies. It could also become more transparent and find new ways to engage citizens. To do these things some changes to the law and policy infrastructure will be necessary. Businesses seeking to innovate and grow in the digital and data economy will need better access to quality data and, among other things, new models for data governance and data sharing. Data-driven technologies also bring with them risks of harm and these too may need new legislation or normative frameworks. There is a lot to consider and some of the changes will be transformative, and will rely upon citizen data. These are all good reasons to consult deeply and broadly, both to seek input and to lay the foundations for a transparent public engagement.

The data strategy consultation was announced in February 2019, with a report to be published before the end of the year. The consultation centres around three discussion papers, the first of which was only made available in mid-August 2019 and the last of which has just been released, with comments due by the end of November. The public meetings held as part of these consultations are taking place on very short notice. The process is hurried, obscure and fails to properly engage the full range of stakeholders.

2, Superficiality

Quite apart from the rushed nature of the process, the discussion papers are woefully inadequate. They are full of assertions of the benefits of what is planned, with the occasional nod to the importance of privacy and trust. There is little detail about the nature, scope or timelines for what the government plans to do.

The discussion papers give only brief glimpses of things that merit a much more detailed treatment. For example, on the issue of broad-scale data sharing between different government departments and agencies, we are told that “while ‘connecting the dots’ between datasets can help government provide better services, there are privacy and cybersecurity risks to be managed.” ‘Connecting the dots’ can mean all sorts of things. Perhaps data matching will be used to find ways to improve service delivery. Data analytics might also be used to discover or anticipate certain citizen behaviors. This could include identifying patterns that suggest certain individuals are fraudulently obtaining benefits or cheating on taxes, or identifying children potentially at risk. The data-matching possibilities are endless. And while the goals might be important, there are significant risks of harm. Beyond privacy concerns, there are issues of discrimination and undue surveillance. What processes will be in place to ensure transparency and accountability as these programs are developed and implemented? The consultation documents are so general and superficial that they fail to identify, let alone invite engagement on some of the real challenges posed by the government’s (undisclosed) plans.

An alarming glimpse of what lies beneath the superficial gloss of these documents is found in the second discussion paper which focuses on “Creating Economic Benefits”. The document talks about the value that can be derived by the private sector from data shared by governments. It then casually states “Given that Ontario has a wealth of data in digital health assets, clinical and administrative health data can also be considered as a high-value dataset that may present various opportunities for Ontario.” This suggests that the government is planning to make the personal health data of Ontarians available to the private sector. As the Privacy Commissioner, in his comment on this aspect of the discussion paper, aptly notes, “It is important to distinguish between the high value of health-related data in terms of utilizing it to foster innovation and research, and its high monetary value (that is, health-related data as a commodity to be sold as a source of revenue for the government). The specific scope of what the government may be contemplating is not clear from the discussion paper.”

3. The Gaps

The government is designing a data strategy but its focus is relatively narrow. Ontario’s Privacy Commissioner has pointed out that there are many other data-related reforms that could enhance government transparency including open contracting and open procurement, as well as other reforms to improve access to government information. While the Simpler, Faster, Better Services Act introduced reforms around open data, open data is not necessarily the best route to transparency, especially with a government that has indicated it wants to be more strategic about its release of open data and that sees it primarily as a driver of the economy.

4. Social impacts

This consultation process relies far too much on the increasingly tired trope of “trust and confidence”. The first consultation document, a truly abstract exercise in asking people what they think about plans that have neither been discussed or disclosed, is titled “Promoting Public Trust and Confidence”. Trust and confidence must be earned, not promoted.

Although the first discussion paper identifies a broad range of issues, including bias and discrimination, surveillance, data privacy and security, these are raised largely in the abstract. In the subsequent discussion papers on creating economic benefits and smarter government, the issues are boiled down to individual data privacy and security. There needs to be a detailed, robust and informed discussion on the impacts of proposed technological changes on individuals and communities, as well as on limits, oversight and safeguards.

5. ‘Stakeholders’ and the Rest of Us

Another issue that should concern Ontarians in this consultation is whose voices really matter. The lightning fast consultation hints at some major changes, many of which are driven by industry demands (such as the massive sharing of personal health data with the private sector). Industry clearly has the ear of government and does not need the consultation process in order to be heard.

The data strategy consultation has been poorly publicized. The discussion papers have been published late in the process, contain little detail, and have narrow windows for providing feedback. The paper on trust and confidence was released in mid-August with comments due just after Labour Day. The timing could hardly be worse for ensuring public engagement. The public meetings around the province are scheduled with very short notice. This consultation favours larger organizations with the resources to throw together a quick response or to find someone who can attend a meeting at short notice. It does not favour the general public, nor does it favour civil society groups and academia with limited resources and personnel.

At the same time that this speedy data consultation is taking place, there are closed-door consultations underway with “stakeholders” about reforms to the Personal Health Information Protection Act. While there is no doubt that much could be done to modernize this legislation, the fact that it taking place behind the scenes of the superficial data strategy consultation is deeply troubling. There is also, reportedly, work being done on an ethical AI strategy for the government. Not only is this not part of any public consultation process, it is only hinted at in the third discussion paper.

It is also profoundly disturbing that institutions that serve the public interest such as the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner so clearly do not have the ear of government. The Privacy Commissioner’s input has been reduced to letters written in response to the discussion papers. These letters politely invite the government to seek out his expertise on issues that are squarely within his mandate.

Proposed massive technological change, ‘trust us’ assurances about privacy that fall short of the mark, and a disregard for early and inclusive consultations are a recipe for disaster. People are not data cows to be milked by government and industry, and acknowledged with only a pat on the rump and a vague assurance that they will be well looked after. The data strategy must serve all Ontarians and must be built on a foundation of credible and meaningful public engagement. As the Sidewalk Toronto process has demonstrated, people do care, the private sector doesn’t have all the answers, and transformative change needs social legitimacy.

An interesting case from Quebec demonstrates the tension between privacy and transparency when it comes to public registers that include personal information. It also raises issues around ownership and control of data, including the measures used to prevent data scraping. The way the litigation was framed means that not all of these questions are answered in the decision, leaving some lingering public policy questions.

Quebec’s Enterprise Registrar oversees a registry, in the form of a database, of all businesses in Quebec, including corporations, sole corporations and partnerships. The Registrar is empowered to do so under the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises (ALPE), which also establishes the database. The Registrar is obliged to make this register publicly accessible, including remotely by technological means, and basic use of the database is free of charge.

The applicant in this case is OpenCorporates, a U.K.-based organization dedicated to ensuring total corporate transparency. According to its website, OpenCorporates has created and maintains “the largest open database of companies in the world”. It currently has data on companies located in over 130 jurisdictions. Most of this data is drawn from reliable public registries. In addition to providing a free, searchable public resource, OpenCorporates also sells structured data to financial institutions, government agencies, journalists and other businesses. The money raised from these sales finances its operations.

OpenCorporates gathers its data using a variety of means. In 2012, it began to scrape data from Quebec’s Enterprise Register. Data scraping involves the use of ‘bots’ to visit and automatically harvest data from targeted web pages. It is a common data-harvesting practice, widely used by journalists, civil society actors and researchers, as well as companies large and small. As common as it may be, it is not always welcome, and there has been litigation in Canada and around the world about the legality of data scraping practices, chiefly in contexts where the defendant is attempting to commercialize data scraped from a business rival.

In 2016 the Registrar changed the terms of service for the Enterprise Register. These changes essentially prohibited web scraping activities, as well as the commercialization of data extracted from the site. The new terms also prohibit certain types of information analyses; for example, they bar searches for data according to the name and address of a particular person. All visitors to the site must agree to the Terms of Service. The Registrar also introduced technological measures to make it more difficult for bots to scrape its data.

Opencorporates Ltd. C. Registraire des entreprises du Québec is not a challenge to the Register’s new, restrictive terms and conditions. Instead, because the Registrar also sent OpenCorporates a cease and desist letter demanding that it stop using the data it had collected prior to the change in Terms of Service, OpenCorporates sought a declaration from the Quebec Superior Court that it was entitled to continue to use this earlier data.

The Registrar acknowledged that nothing in the ALPE authorizes it to control uses made of any data obtained from its site. Further, until it posted the new terms and conditions for the site, nothing limited what users could do with the data. The Registrar argued that it had the right to control the pre-2016 data because of the purpose of the Register. It argued that the ALPE established the Register as the sole source of public data on Quebec businesses, and that the database was designed to protect the personal information that it contained (i.e. the names and addresses of directors of corporations). For example, it does not permit extensive searches by name or address. OpenCorporates, by contrast, permits the searching of all of its data, including by name and address.

The court characterized the purpose of the Register as being to protect individuals and corporations that interact with other corporations by assuring them easy access to identity information, including the names of those persons associated with a corporation. An electronic database gives users the ability to make quick searches and from a distance. Quebec’s Act to Establish a Legal Framework for Information Technology provides that where a document contains personal information and is made public for particular purposes, any extensive searches of the document must be limited to those purposes. This law places the onus on the person responsible for providing access to the document to put in place appropriate technological protection measures. Under the ALPE, the Registrar can carry out more comprehensive searches of the database on behalf of users who must make their request to the Registrar. Even then, the ALPE prohibits the Registrar from using the name or address of an individual as a basis for a search. According to the Registrar, a member of the public has right to know, once one they have the name of a company, with whom they are dealing; they do not have the right to determine the number of companies to which a physical person is linked. By contrast, this latter type of search is one that could be carried out using the OpenCorporates database.

The court noted that it was not its role to consider the legality of OpenCorporates’ database, nor to consider the use made by others of that database. It also observed that individuals concerned about potential privacy breaches facilitated by OpenCorporates might have recourse under Quebec privacy law. Justice Rogers’ focus was on the specific question of whether the Registrar could prevent OpenCorporates from using the data it gathered prior to the change of terms of service in 2016. On this point, the judge ruled in favour of OpenCorporates. In her view, OpenCorporates’ gathering of this data was not in breach of any law that the Registrar could rely upon (leaving aside any potential privacy claims by individuals whose data was scraped). Further, she found that nothing in the ALPE gave the Registrar a monopoly on the creation and maintenance of a database of corporate data. She observed that the use made by OpenCorporates of the data was not contrary to the purpose of the ALPE, which was to create greater corporate transparency and to protect those who interacted with corporations. She ruled that nothing in the ALPE obligated the Registrar to eliminate all privacy risks. The names and addresses of those involved with corporations are public information; the goal of the legislation is to facilitate digital access to the data while at the same time placing limits on bulk searches. Nothing in the ALPE prevented another organization from creating its own database of Quebec businesses. Since OpenCorporates did not breach any laws or terms of service in collecting the information between 2012 and 2016, nothing prevented it from continuing to use that information in its own databases. Justice Rogers issued a declaration to the effect that the Registrar was not permitted to prevent OpenCorporates from publishing and distributing the data it collected from the Register prior to 2016.

While this was a victory for OpenCorporates, it did not do much more than ensure its right to continue to use data that will become increasingly dated. There is perhaps some value in the Court’s finding that the existence of a public database does not, on its own, preclude the creation of derivative databases. However, the decision leaves some important questions unanswered. In the first place, it alludes to but offers no opinion on the ability to challenge the inclusion of the data in the OpenCorporates database on privacy grounds. While a breach of privacy argument might be difficult to maintain in the case of public data regarding corporate ownership, it is still unpredictable how it might play out in court. This is far less sensitive data that that involved in the scraping of court decisions litigated before the Federal Court in A.T. v. Globe24hr.com; there is a public interest in making the specific personal information available in the Registry; and the use made by OpenCorporates is far less exploitative than in Globe24hr. Nevertheless, the privacy issues remain a latent difficulty. Overall, the decision tells us little about how to strike an appropriate balance between the values of transparency and privacy. The legislation and the Registrar’s approach are designed to make it difficult to track corporate ownership or involvement across multiple corporations. There is rigorous protection of information with low privacy value and with a strong public dimension; with transparency being weakened as a result. It is worth noting that another lawsuit against the Register may be in the works. It is reported that the CBC is challenging the decision of the Registrar to prohibit searches by names of directors and managers of companies as a breach of the right to freedom of expression.

Because the terms of service were not directly at issue in the case, there is also little to go on with respect to the impact of such terms. To what extent can terms of service limit what can be done with publicly accessible data made available over the Internet? The recent U.S. case of hiQ Labs Inc. v. LinkedIn Corp. raises interesting questions about freedom of expression and the right to harvest publicly accessible data. This and other important issues remain unaddressed in what is ultimately an interesting but unsatisfying court decision.


The second discussion paper in Ontario’s lightning-quick consultation on a new data strategy for the province was released on September 20, 2019. Comments are due by October 9, 2019. If you blink, you will miss the consultation. But if you read the discussion paper, it will make you blink – in puzzlement. Although it is clear from its title that Ontario wants to “create economic benefits” through data, the discussion paper is coy, relying mainly on broad generalities with occasional hints at which might actually be in the works.

Governments around the world are clearly struggling to position their countries/regions to compete in a burgeoning data economy. Canada is (until the election period cooled things off) in the middle of developing its own digital and data strategy. Ontario launched its data strategy consultation in February 2019. The AI industry (in which Canada and Ontario both aspire to compete) is thirsty for data, and governments are contemplating the use of AI to improve governance and to automate decision-making. It is not surprising, therefore, that this document tackles the important issue of how to support the data economy in Ontario.

The document identifies a number of challenges faced by Ontario. These include skill and knowledge deficits in existing industries and businesses; the high cost of importing new technologies, limited digital infrastructure outside urban core areas, and international competition for highly qualified talent for the data economy. The consultation paper makes clear that the data strategy will need to address technology transfer, training/education, recruitment, and support for small businesses. Beyond this, a key theme of the document is enhancing access to data for businesses.

It is with respect to data that the consultation paper becomes troublingly murky. It begins its consideration of data issues with a discussion of open government data. Ontario has had an open data portal for a number of years and has been steadily developing it. A new law, pushed through in the omnibus budget bill that followed the Ford government’s election is the first in Canada to entrench open government data in law. The consultation document seems to suggest that the government will put more resources into open data. This is good. However, the extent of the open data ambitions gives pause. The consultation document notes, “it is important for governments to ensure that the right level of detailed data is released while protecting government security and personal privacy.” Keep in mind that up until now, the approach to open data has been to simply not release as open data datasets that contain personal information. This includes data sets that could lead to the reidentification of individuals when combined with other available data. The consultation paper states “Ontario’s government holds vast amounts of data that can help businesses develop new products and services that make Ontarian’s lives easier, while ensuring that their privacy is protected.” These references to open data and privacy protection are indications that the government is contemplating that it will make personal data in some form or another available for sharing. Alarmingly, businesses may be invited to drive decision-making around what data should be shared. The document states, “New collaboration with businesses can help us determine which data assets have the greatest potential to drive growth.” An out-of-the-blue example provided in the consultation paper is even more disturbing. At a point where the document discusses classic categories of important open data such as geospatial reference and weather data, it suddenly states “Given that Ontario has a wealth of data in digital health assets, clinical and administrative health data can also be considered a high-value dataset that may present various opportunities for Ontario.”

If personal data is on the table (and the extent to which this is the case should be a matter of serious public consultation and not lightning-round Q & A), then governance becomes all the more important. The consultation paper acknowledges the importance of governance – of a sort. It suggests new guidelines (the choice of words here is interesting – as guidelines are not laws and are usually non-binding) to help govern how data is shared. The language of standards, guidance and best practices is used. Words such as law, regulation and enforcement are not. While “soft law” instruments can have a role to play in a rapidly changing technological environment, Canadians should be justifiably wary of a self-regulating private sector – particularly where there is so much financially at stake for participating companies. It should also be wary of norms and standards developed by ‘stakeholder’ groups that only marginally represent civil society, consumer and privacy interests.

If there is one thing that governments in Canada should have learned from the Sidewalk Toronto adventure, it is that governments and the private sector require social licence to collect and share a populations’ personal data. What this consultation does instead is say to the public, “the data we collect about you will be very valuable to businesses and it is in the broader public interest that we share it with them. Don’t worry, we’re thinking about how to do it right.” That is an illustration of paternalism, not consultation or engagement. It is certainly not how you gain social licence.

The Ontario government’s first Consultation Paper, which I discuss here was about “promoting trust and confidence”, and it ostensibly dealt with privacy, security and related issues. However, the type of data sharing that is strongly hinted at in the second discussion paper is not discussed in that first paper and the consultation questions in that document do not address it either.

There is a great deal of non-personal government data that can be valuable for businesses and that might be used to drive innovation. There is already knowledge and experience around open data in Ontario, and building upon this is a fine objective. Sharing of personal and human behavioural data may also be acceptable in some circumstances and under some conditions. There are experiments in Canada and in other countries with frameworks for doing this that are worth studying. But this consultation document seems to reflect a desire to put all government data up for grabs, without social licence, with only the vaguest plans for protection, and with a clear inclination towards norms and standards developed outside the usual democratic processes. Yes, there is a need to move quickly – and to be “agile” in response to technological change. But speed is not the only value. There is a difference between a graceful dive and a resounding belly flop – both are fast, only one is agile.


A ruling under B.C.’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) will add new fuel to the fires burning around the issue of whether Canada’s federal political parties should have to comply with data protection laws. In Order P19-02, B.C. Privacy Commissioner Michael McEvoy rejected constitutional challenges and ruled that B.C.’s data protection law applied not just to provincial political parties (something it indisputably does), but also to electoral district associations in B.C. established under the Canada Elections Act. The decision means that the hearing into a complaint against the Courtenay-Alberni Riding Association of the New Democratic Party of Canada will now proceed. The riding association will still have the opportunity to argue, within the factual context of the complaint, that the application of specific provisions of PIPA place unacceptable limits on the right to vote and the freedom of expression under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the Charter).

There has been considerable attention paid to the relatively unregulated information handling practices of Canadian political parties in the last few years. A 2012 report commissioned by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada laid out the legal landscape. In the fall of 2018, federal, provincial and territorial privacy commissioners issued a joint call for meaningful privacy regulation of political parties in Canada. In late 2018, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics issued its report titled Democracy Under Threat: Risks and Solutions in the Era of Disinformation and Data Monopoly in which it recommended, among other things, that Canadian political parties be made subject to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Instead, the federal government chose to amend the Canada Elections Act to add some fairly tepid requirements for parties to have and make available privacy policies. Meaningful oversight and enforcement mechanisms are notably absent. In April 2019, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada issued guidance for political parties on how to protect privacy. On August 7, Open Media conducted a review of the privacy policies of Canada’s federal political parties, measuring them against the guidelines issued by the OPC. The review reveals a fairly dismal level of privacy protection. As noted above, B.C.’s PIPA applies to B.C.’s provincial political parties. A review of those parties’ privacy practices earlier this year resulted in an investigation report that makes interesting reading.

It is within this context that a B.C. couple filed a complaint with the B.C. Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner after each received and email from the NDP’s Courtenay-Alberni Riding Association inviting them to attend a meet and greet with the federal party’s leader. The couple wrote a letter to the local NDP seeking to know what information the party had on them, from whom it had been sourced, with whom it had been shared, and how the information had been and would be used. When they did not receive a satisfactory response, they filed a complaint with the OIPC. Since the NDP objected to the jurisdiction of the OIPC in the matter, the OIPC issued a notice of hearing to determine the preliminary issue of whether BC’s PIPA applied to the Courtney-Alberni Riding Association (the Organization).

The Organization made three constitutional arguments objecting to the jurisdiction of the OIPC. The first is that PIPA cannot apply to federally registered political entities because s. 41 of the Constitution Act, 1867 gives the federal government sole jurisdiction over the conduct of federal elections. The second is that PIPA cannot apply because other federal laws, including the Canada Elections Act and PIPEDA are paramount. The third argument was that, if PIPA were found to apply, to the extent that it did so, it would place unjustified limits on the right to vote and the freedom of expression guaranteed under the Charter. As noted above, on this third issue, the adjudicator ruled that there was an insufficient factual context to make a determination. Because Commissioner McAvoy ultimately decided that PIPA applies, the third question will be considered in the context of the hearing into the actual complaint.

Commisioner McAvoy noted that PIPA applies to every “organization” in BC. “Organization” is defined broadly to include: “a person, an unincorporated association, a trade union, a trust or a not for profit organization.” The Riding Association, as an unincorporated association, falls within this definition. He ruled that it made no difference that the organization was established under the constitution of a federal political party or that it is involved in federal politics. He rejected the Organization’s rather convoluted argument that since PIPEDA also applied to ‘organizations’, it precluded the application of BC’s statute. The Commissioner noted that because there is no commercial activity, PIPEDA did not apply to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information by the organization, and thus did not preclude the application of PIPA.

Commissioner McAvoy rejected the first constitutional argument on the basis that PIPA does not attempt to regulate the conduct of federal elections. PIPA’s purpose relates to “the regulation of the collection, use and disclosure of personal information by organizations.” (at para 45) It has nothing to do with any election-related issues such as the establishment of political parties, voting processes, or campaign financing. PIPA itself falls within provincial jurisdiction over “property and civil rights” in B.C. The Organization argued that by applying to federal riding associations in the province, it attempted to affect matters outside the province, but the adjudicator disagreed. He stated: “Analysis of incidental effects should be kept distinct from assessment of whether a provincial statute is validly enacted under the Constitution Act, 1867” (at para 52). He noted that in any event, incidental effects do not necessarily render a statute unconstitutional.

The Commissioner also rejected the paramountcy argument. The Organization argued that PIPA’s provisions conflicted with the Canada Elections Act, as well as the Telecommunications Act and Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) and frustrated a federal purpose and therefore could not apply to federal riding associations in B.C. Commissioner McEvoy found that there was no actual conflict between the federal and provincial laws. The Canada Elections Act imposes no substantive obligations around, for example, consent to the collection of personal information. It is not a situation where one statute says consent is not required and another says that it is. The Canada Elections Act is simply more permissive when it comes to personal information. Because the do-not-call list established under the Telecommunications Act does not address email communications, which is the subject matter of the actual complaint, there is no conflict with that law. Similarly, he found no conflict with the CASL. Although the CASL permits political parties or organizations to send emails with out consent to solicit donations, the email that was the subject of the complaint before the OIPC did not solicit a donation, but was rather an invitation to an event. As a result there is no conflict between the laws. Further, case law does not support the view that a conflict is found simply because a provincial law has more restrictive elements than a federal law. The Commissioner stated: “the fact that the Canada Elections Act and the two other federal laws take a permissive approach to use of certain personal information of electors does not of itself establish a conflict with PIPA’s requirements (even if one assumes, for discussion purposes only, that PIPA actually prohibits that which federal law permits.) . . . It is possible to comply with both PIPA and the federal laws [. . .]” (at para 79).

Commissioner McAvoy also rejected the argument that the application of PIPA would frustrate the federal purpose pursued under the Canada Elections Act. He found that the Organization had not adequately established the federal purpose nor had it managed to demonstrate how PIPA frustrated it.

Clearly this particular skirmish is far from complete. It is entirely possible that the Organization will challenge the Commissioner’s decision, and the matter may head to court. Nevertheless, the decision is an important one, as it raises the clear possibility that riding associations of federal political parties in BC might be held to a far stricter standard of data protection that that required of political parties elsewhere in Canada. This will increase the growing pressure on the federal government to take real, concrete steps to ensure that political parties are held to the same standards as private sector organizations when it comes to collecting, using and disclosing personal information. Given vast amounts of data available, the potential for intrusive and inappropriate uses, the controversies around profiling and targeting, and the growing risks of harm from data breaches, this is an unacceptable legislative gap.


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